
The Value of Women in Building Sustainable Leadership

Posted on | Darys Estrella

According to the Global Gender Gap 2017 report of the World Economic Forum, women represent half of the population that can work and 65% of the world's consumer demand. Women have enormous potential to stimulate the economies of countries, which is often diminished by the lack of access to job opportunities and equitable remuneration.

We live in turbulent times, where despite technological advances, economic and demographic growth, and the discoveries that have made our lives more bearable, threats and challenges weigh on our planet that threatens the ways of life that we have achieved and even against our own. survival. Sustainability-based on the tripod that includes economic, environmental, and social aspects should be part of business strategies, as they are part of a new universal consciousness.

Within this framework, the leadership model requires the incorporation of new values. The leadership demanded by the time must be leadership based on a sense of community, care, sharing, inclusion, and preservation. These values ??make these types of leaders agents of change, representing a competitive advantage over their competitors. This is where the question arises: What? What values ??do women bring to this new Leadership model?

The business practice that we inherit to this day is a practice primarily designed and executed by men. Historically, women have done work that is “not considered important” such as providing water, providing food, taking care of the family, while men have done what is important: going to war and killing, making a profit at the expense of others. , the environment, etc. In the historical discrimination and marginalization of women, was it achieved? create the values ??we need today, that is, the values ??of knowledge of how to live and relate to nature, with the planet, with the preservation of humanity.

To speak then of sustainable leadership is to speak of female leadership. The conjunction of that triad that seeks the balance between the economic, the environmental, and the social is feminine knowledge, knowledge created by women. That knowledge, that value of how to care, share, be inclusive, and how to build without negatively impacting the environment are some of the fundamental contributions that women provide in the construction of sustainable leadership for our time.

According to the Global Gender Gap 2017 report of the World Economic Forum, women represent half of the population that can work, and 65% of the world's consumer demand. Women have enormous potential to stimulate the economies of countries, which is often diminished by the lack of access to job opportunities and equitable remuneration.

Women's economic empowerment is good business. Businesses benefit greatly from increasing leadership opportunities for women, which has been shown to increase organizational effectiveness.

Leadership that embodies those values ??today will reflect the capabilities we need to face the future. That female knowledge, those values ??that women contribute will be the great teachers of what business activity will be like in the future.