
Leadership in the times of Millennials

Posted on | Darys Estrella

Leadership as we know it has changed. There is a growing need to incorporate new values in the way of managing and promoting business activity. We live in a time of great progress but of great challenges and challenges. The way of leading our days requires maintaining a balance between the economic, the environmental and the social.

Leadership as we know it has changed. There is a growing need to incorporate new values ??in the way of managing and promoting business activity. We live in a time of great progress but of great challenges and challenges. The way of leading our days requires maintaining a balance between the economic, the environmental, and the social.

Within this framework, the leadership model requires the incorporation of new values. The leadership demanded by the time must be leadership based on a sense of community, care, sharing, inclusion, and preservation. These values ??make these types of leaders agents of change, representing a competitive advantage over their competitors.

Today's chain of leadership involves several generations, which implies multiple ways of seeing and facing life and therefore, multiple ways of joining work. This presents a complex reality where the component of the generation gap has a substantial impact on the way they lead and those who follow, relate.

Within that chain of leadership converge the generations of Baby Boomers, X, and Millennials. Each generation presents different but complementary characteristics. Today this generation gap has become a challenge for the traditional leadership model and for achieving greater progress in the business world. Reconfiguring the form of interaction between traditional leadership and this new emerging generation destined to occupy the greatest number of jobs in the near future at all levels constitutes one of the fundamental challenges for the achievement of sustainable leadership.

Millennials are a reality. According to estimates, in 2025 they will occupy 75% of the jobs. They are branded irreverent, self-centered, lazy and hyper-connected. But in what we see as "disadvantages" or "negative elements", there is actually a very rich potential to develop and advance substantially in a business growth in a sustainable way and according to the challenges demanded by today's globalized world. Where some see irreverence, it is possible to see pro-activity and the desire to want to do things in different ways.

Millennials must be defined and characterized with categories of their time, not with the categories that existentially defined the generations that preceded them characterized by a totally different social, economic, and political context.

Their sense of collective commitment makes them focus their energies on activities that generate change and allow them to contribute a force that facilitates innovation and the creation of new methods to achieve the objectives posed by today's globalized world. Their incorporation as a workforce provides the opportunity to rethink the way things were being done and move towards methods that generate greater individual and collective well-being.

They seek to provide a vision of work where you work to live, not where you live to work. They see work more than a means to get money, as a means to achieve transformations, to build a better world. A way to generate material well-being (through salary and compensation) and existential well-being (through contribution to a cause that adds value to society).

The generation gap is actually an opportunity for current directors, who are mostly part of generation X, to develop and grow their leadership, as they can obtain many benefits by accepting and understanding the new generations, taking their energy and freshness and taking advantage of it in favor of the organization.